Supporting those in crisis in and around Burgess Hill
Supporting those in crisis in and around Burgess Hill
Our Burgess Hill Depot is open 3 days each week - Tuesday and Thursday from 11am to 1pm, and Saturdays from 10am to 12pm.
It's located in Church Walk, and you'll need an electronic voucher.
The Town Council Help Point is one of the easiest places to request one, and you can contact them by phone on 01444 244726 or email helppoint@burgesshill.gov.uk
85 Church Walk, Burgess Hill
Tuesday and Thursday 11am - 1pm, Saturday 10am - 12pm, as well as delivery (cut-off 5pm day before)
Powell House, 21 Keymer Road
Open on Fridays 10am - midday
Delivery service on Wednesday and Friday mornings
(cut-off for orders 5pm day before)
We focus on making the maximum positive impact on our community, helping those in crisis to ensure that no-one will go hungry.
Our team of volunteers enable us to manage our foodbank and ensure donations reach those in need.
The Burgess Hill Community Food Bank, including satellites in Hassocks and Hurstpierpoint
Since 2013, we have collected non-perishable food, kindly donated by local people, and have distributed it to people who are in financial crisis and are hungry, perhaps because of family breakdown, sudden unemployment or benefits problems, or other eventualities.
Our amazing team of regular and part-time volunteers are committed to helping others. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information!